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5 Types Of Coffee Roasts Flavor Profile How To Use Common Names

4 Types of Coffee Roasts (Explained With Images) Coffee Affection

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Cover 4 Types of Coffee Roasts (Explained With Images) Coffee Affection (1024x553)

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What are the types of coffee roasts?

Coffee beans go through a roasting process that brings out their unique flavors and aroma. There are four main types of coffee roasts: light roast, medium roast, dark roast, and French roast. Each roast level offers a different taste profile and intensity, catering to various preferences among coffee enthusiasts.

What is light roast coffee?

Light roast coffee is roasted for a shorter duration compared to other roast levels. It is characterized by its light brown color and a subtle, mild flavor. The beans retain more of their original characteristics, resulting in a higher acidity level and a lighter body. Light roast coffee often exhibits fruity and floral notes, with a crisp and bright taste. This roast level is preferred by those who enjoy the vibrant and nuanced flavors of coffee.

What is medium roast coffee?

Medium roast coffee falls between light and dark roast on the roasting spectrum. It is roasted slightly longer than light roast, resulting in a medium brown color. Medium roast coffee strikes a balance between acidity and body, offering a well-rounded flavor profile. The beans have a slightly sweeter taste compared to light roast, with notes of chocolate and nuts. Medium roast is a popular choice for those who prefer a versatile and balanced cup of coffee.

What is dark roast coffee?

Dark roast coffee is roasted for a longer duration, resulting in a darker brown or almost black color. The beans undergo more caramelization and develop rich, bold flavors. Dark roast coffee has a lower acidity level and a fuller body, with a smoky and robust taste. The flavor profile often includes notes of chocolate, caramel, and sometimes even a hint of bitterness. Dark roast is favored by those who enjoy a strong and intense coffee experience.

What is French roast coffee?

French roast coffee is the darkest roast level available. The beans are roasted until they reach a shiny, oily surface and a deep brown or black color. French roast coffee has the boldest flavor profile, with a strong smoky taste and minimal acidity. The beans are highly caramelized, resulting in a rich, full-bodied cup of coffee. French roast is often associated with a "burnt" or "charred" flavor. It is a preferred choice for those who enjoy a bold and robust coffee experience.


Coffee roasting plays a crucial role in the final taste and aroma of the brewed coffee. Understanding the different types of coffee roasts allows coffee enthusiasts to explore a wide range of flavors and find their preferred cup of coffee. Whether it's the vibrant and fruity notes of a light roast, the balanced sweetness of a medium roast, the bold intensity of a dark roast, or the robustness of a French roast, each roast level offers a distinct experience. So, go ahead and experiment with different roast levels to discover your perfect cup of coffee!

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